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Full Version: [TG11] date/time missing in GPX data
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Because Navionics plotter sync does not support track data and Axiom units have severe limitations for track data storage (15 tracks on local storage regardless of track size) I am periodically exporting all data from an Axiom9, (via the "My Data" -> "Export") as a backup and also to import into the Navionics iOS app.

The GPX file the Axiom creates (archive_DD_MM_YYYY.gpx) does not include standard date/time XML data e.g <time>2019-10-11T11:05:19Z</time> for tracks, time data is only created for waypoints. A GPX file with no time/date will not import into Navionics nor almost any GPX manipulation tool.

I'm currently having to set initial track date/times manually and use a GPX editor to time shift and update the GPX file before it is useable.

Is this an error/know issue or hopefully a config settings? Seems strange no time/date data is included, every hummingbird or lowrance I've owned add it (as does the Navionics app when used to record tracks)

Hello racerx,

Personally, I've not come across any other reports of our GPX files not being compatible with other software. I'm no expert in GPX by any stretch of the imagination, but from my reading of the schema Time is not required for track points (minOccurs=0.) If we're writing GPX files that are contrary to the schema then I can log an issue report with our engineers, but if we're compliant but other parsers are being overly fussy then I'm not sure there's much I will be able to do. Am I misunderstanding the GPX schema?

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