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Full Version: [CA11] Element HV - Satellite Imagery & Screen Mirroring
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I'm really interested in buying the Element 7HV, but having reservations for one reason...satellite image overlays. I fish the Louisiana coast where displaying satellite imagery overlays on the unit is a high priority for navigating the marsh. From what I can tell, the only readily available option is to purchase a Standard Mapping: Louisiana One card which is an additional $300.00.

On one third party manufacturer's chartplotting product, I am able to create my own .AT5 formatted map cards with satellite images by using SAS.Planet and Insight Map Creator software for FREE.

Is there is any similar method available out there using free or low cost software to create satellite image overlays for the Raymarine operating system?

Alternatively, the screen mirroring feature would allow access to Google Maps app on my cellphone to achieve the same result. However, it doesn't seem this feature is available yet on the Element Series. Is there any chance that this feature is in the works for release in the near future?
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum BayouBound,

Thanks for the product / feature inquiries / suggestions. Unfortunately, neither of the features which you have inquired about are presently supported within LightHouse 3 Sport software (i.e. the software which is used within the Element displays) nor has Raymarine indicated any future support for these features. Feature requests will be logged to consider these features for inclusion within a future LightHouse 3 Sport software.

Please click here for more information concerning product and feature suggestions.
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