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Full Version: Transducer for a98
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I just got a a98, I also got the ctp 100 transom mount, I trailer this boat and am not sure of the transom mount ducer due to positionong, I have a 26'Striper boat with an I/o, also trim tabs. I would like to get a shoot thru ducer or one that mounts flush to bottom. any thoughts.
Thanks Rick
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Rick,

Raymarine does not offer in-hull transducers designed for use with the ax8 MFDs, eSx8 MFDs, or CP100. A thru-hull or transom mounted transducer must be used with the products. Whereas fairing block thru-hull transducers are not generally installed on trailered boats, you may want to try using the transom mounted transom mounted transducer in spite to the fact that the vessel has trim tabs. It is possible that the trim tabs may adversely affect the performance of this transom mounted transducer.
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