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Full Version: [CA11] Position Dragonfly-4
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Is there a way to move the position (Lat-Lomg) to the main page of charts on a Dragonfly-4?

I can go to the satellite page but it isn't very easy to find. This unit is on my dinghy.

The reason for the request and/or question is if I am in an emergency situation, I will need a quick way to view my position to the US Coast Guard.


Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Tom,

Unlike Raymarine MFDs, Dragonfly displays are not configurable with regard to the data items which may be shown or where they may be shown within the Dragonfly's apps. That said, since the introduction of DSC VHF radios almost 20 years ago, DSC VHF radios have been capable of being interfaced to a source of GPS data within the vessel's marine electronics system to automatically encode your vessel's position within VHF transmissions. The most recent DSC VHF radio designs now incorporate a GPS receiver within the VHF radio to support this end. Does you currently installed VHF radio have this capability?
Yes my VHF radio has the 0183 hook up to the MFD. I just like back ups to the back ups...just in case.

Thanks Chuck as always you are the go-to-guy.
You're welcome.
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