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We’d like to connect a Garmin/Airmar P79 NMEA 2000 in hull smart transducer to the Raymarine Seatalk network in our current boat? If possible how is it done?
Note that I searched through the forum and gained a little incite but not an actual answer.
Hello Ray,

Assuming your network is SeatalkNG, not actual Seatalk (which dates from the 1990s and has no relationship to NMEA2000) then yes, you can connect other NMEA2000 devices via a Devicenet-STNG adaptor cable (A06045 or A06075.)

Where you might run into issues is calibration: a Raymarine display may not be able to set the Depth Offset in a non-Raymarine-supplied transducer. I don't know whether the calibration software is the same for that as for a Raymarine DST800 Smart type, which you would normally calibrate via an i70S instrument.

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