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Full Version: Engine data on E97 from Crusaders?
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Hi I just bought a new (used) Tiara with 454xl Crusaders, it had the E97 already installed, but nothing is displayed for Engine data, how do/can I get this to work?

Do I need to get an ECI-100?

It doesn't say Crusaders on it, I assume this would connect to the ODB port(s)?

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum efontana,

Please click here to view a FAQ addressing how engines may be interfaced a system including a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFDs. Software has not yet been developed to permit the ECI-100 to be used with Crusader engines. It is recommended that you check with Crusader Engines or Fox Marine to determine whether they have an engine gateway product which may be used with your Crusader engines.
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