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Full Version: Re-using an existing analog radar cable to power a Quantum radome
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Re-using an existing analog radar cable to power a Quantum radome

When replacing an existing radome or open array radar pedestal, customers may find it challenging to replace the currently installed radar cable with the power or power/communications cable supplied with the new radar transducer. In such cases, replacing the currently installed radar transducer with a radar transducer supporting Wi-Fi communications can make replacing a radar transducer a much easier task. That said, while Wi-Fi radar transducers do not require a cable for communications communications, they often must either be powered using the power cable which was designed for use with the Wi-Fi radar transducer or must be powered via an adapted power/communications cable (ex. Raymarine offers the A80308 Digital Radar Cable to Quantum Adapter). Should the owner / installer not be desire to chase the Quantum Radome's Power Cable, then it may be possible to splice the cable shielding, power, ground, and drain leads of the Quantum Power Cable to the cable shield and to leads of the currently installed radar cable. While any leads within the currently installed radar cable may be spliced to the power, ground, and drain leads of the Quantum Power Cable, the selected leads within the currently installed radar cable must be feature at least 14 gauge conductors.

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