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Is it necessary to send my entire open array radar to Raymarine to be serviced?

Please note that repairs to HD/Super HD Open Array Radar Pedestals which do not involve the gearbox or water intrusion will not generally require that the entire open array radar pedestal be shipped to Raymarine’s Product Repair Center to be bench checked / serviced. Should the problem be rooted with the pedestal's radar circuitry, then
1) the circuit supplying power to the radar pedestal may be switched OFF,
2) the pedestal's clamping bolts may be removed,
3) the pedestal may be tilted opened,
4) the radar core's cabling may be unplugged,
5) the radar core may be unbolted from the pedestal,
6) the radar core may be removed from the pedestal,
7) the radar core may and then shipped to Raymarine's Repair Center to be serviced.

Should the open array pedestal's gearbox need to be serviced or should water intrusion have occured, then
1) the circuit supplying power to the radar pedestal may be switched OFF,
2) the Digital Radar Cable may be unplugged from the radar pedestal,
3) the array may be unbolted from the pedestal,
4) the array may be lifted vertically from the pedestal (while taking care not to exert sideways force which may damage to the pedestal's RF probe),
5) the pedestal may be unbolted from its mounting surface, and then
6) the radar pedestal may be shipped to Raymarine's Repair Center to be serviced.

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