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Full Version: [CA11] eS128 running LH3 barometric/fishing maps stutters
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I am running LH3 v3.70.7 with a Navionics 960+ card on the eS128.

All seems fine, except for when activating the barometric/fishing detailed maps. It takes 2-3+ minutes to load the chart and often times only portions of the chart load. I do have a lot of sonar chart live tracks that were created on an older e125 Series (prior to the eS128) on this same Navionics card that I am now using for the eS128 and it also have a good amount of lsd-cache on it.

I used to run LH2 on the e125 with a side by side barometric and detailed Navionics+ without performance issues (map load probably took 10-20seconds).

Before trying things out with all user data removed from the Navionics card (again: I have quite a bit of sonarchart-live data on the card), I wonder if there is a known issue running barometric/fishing charts with LH3 on the eS128.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Pkjv,

We haven't received any similar reports of such issues which were related to the LightHouse 3 software. Most such cartography performance issues are traced back to a problem with the chart card, its contents, or with the MFD's memory card reader. When the SonarChart Live feature is configured OFF, is the same performance issue observed?
Hi Chuck

Thanks for your response. I will try out the other memory card slot and will also try out SonarChart Live configured off. I will report back next week.
You're welcome.
Hi Chuck

Reporting back on the recommendation to run with SonarChart Live configured off. That did not make a change, however when I turned of sonar login altogether the performance issues disappeared. I also connected with Navionics and they recommended removing the combined old e125/eS128 and remove files from the trash can (using a MacBook).

Removing the files by itself did not resolve the issue, but once I also removed it and also the trash can files things worked just fine.

Hope this message might help others.

Thanks for the follow-up comments.
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