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Full Version: [DG11] Heel angle AWA narrowing on I70s
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Dear All,

for a sailboat wind instrument it is known that heel narrows measured apparent wind angle by 1 /Cos(Heel).
Upwind, with a 30º heel, apparent wind AWA is narrowed about 3.5º or 13%.
Since there is no mention of this fact anywhere in the docs
Nor in the excellent summary here:

I wanted to know assuming there is a heel angle provider on the nmea2000 bus would the I70s compensate/account for it?
What is Raymarine strategy to calculate polar and performance in presence of this parameter.
Hi Sailshade,

thank you for your enquiry.

At this time the Raymarine wireless range uses a specific Algorithm to calculate the effects of heel on wind speed and angle, the equipment required to display this corrected angle are the Wireless masthead transmitter, the Wireless Maxiview display and the wireless remote, ( needed to operate the maxi and to calibrate the masthead transmitter).
There is no other equipment in the Raymarine range which can achieve this.

the i70s cannot make use of heel information to recalculate wind information. We have forwarded this feature request to our engineering team for evaluation and comment.


Thank you Derek,

I am looking forward for your engineers reply on the subject and cross finger for a solution compatible with a generic IMU attitude sensor outputing NMEA2000 (using PGN 127257).

I also just read somewhere that the error might also be a function of the vane aerodynamics, I'd be happy to hear how the raymarine vane behaves in this regard.
Any wind tunnel measurement curves you could provide (LUT of error or such)?

Have a good day.
Hi Sailshade,

At this time the engineering team are prioritised on a variety of other developments and so there will be no resources applied to this issue in the short to medium term.

There is no information relating to the performance of the windvane that I am at liberty to share, this is proprietary information to Raymarine.

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