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Full Version: [DG11] Raymarine A98 Rebooting Repeatedly
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We recently upgraded all of our electronics. Previously, we had our A98 MFD with the old ST60+ autohelm, wind, and tridata. We now have the A98 MFD with the P70S display for the ACU 400 and 2 multi-displays. We just completed the install and powered everything up- all good! After several minutes (no more than 10) while we were setting the new i70S's up, the charplotter rebooted. Okay, weird, but fine. Then a few minutes later it did it again, but this time it just kept rebooting the boot-up screen with the lighthouse on it. It eventually got past that screen to the main one where we selected 'Charts' before it promptly rebooted itself again. One other issue is that the AIS data that used to feed into the MFD is no longer being received. (iCom MXA-5000 Receiver plugged directly into MFD) Any advice as to what might be going on or how to fix these issues?
Hi svbloom

Than you for your enquiry,

There are various reason why the MFD reboots, please read this link here for further details on tests to carry out.

Having completed all these tests and the unit still reboots, try removing the chart card and test again, possibly the chart card is triggering this. also try turning OFF the feature SONAR LOG in the DEPTHS and CONTOURS menu option.

Thanks Derek. We did a factory reset on the unit and that fixed it :)
Hi svbloom

Thanks for the feedback, that is great news,

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