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Full Version: Radar Cable Reconnect
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I need to rejoin my radar cable when putting the mast back in the sailboat. Connected to either end of the cable is a 2001 Pathfinder SL70 CRT Display and a Pathfinder 2D 18" 2kW Radome Scanner. Per the manual, I should use the appropriate ferrites and an 11 or 13 junction connector. Tech support gave me part numbers R55007 and R55006, respectively. However, these seem to be for a Seatalk cable, not the big Pathfinder cable. I can't find the ferrites available for purchase anyway.

What are the appropriate parts for making a successful reconnection?
Those junction boxes R55007 and R55006 are for Seatalk Junction boxes. Raymarine does produce a junction box for joining a radar cable, because we don't recommend cutting or splicing radar cables. We are aware that it is done, so we would refer you to your favorite local Marine dealer for suggestion of a Marine Rated junction box or connectors. The analog radar cable is 13 conductors.
(05-17-16 02:17 PM)Steve - Raymarine - Moderator Wrote: [ -> ]Those junction boxes R55007 and R55006 are for Seatalk Junction boxes. Raymarine does produce a junction box for joining a radar cable, because we don't recommend cutting or splicing radar cables. We are aware that it is done, so we would refer you to your favorite local Marine dealer for suggestion of a Marine Rated junction box or connectors. The analog radar cable is 13 conductors.

Would it be preferable to replace the single cable (now cut) with 2 shorter connecting cables, and if so do you have those part numbers?
No, we do recommend going with with an extension cable and a radar cable, for stepped masts, but with the cable already cut, most vessels just use the marine grade junction box or the connectors fitted to both ends. As long as you get a solid connection with the splice there will be no degradation to the radar performance.
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