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I am looking for a below deck autopilot for a Bristol 35.5. Its about 18,000lbs loaded. Is a type 1 mechanical linear drive suitable? Would a hydraulic linear drive, like the Octopus, be more robust? What about power consumption between the two?
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum kmacdonald212,

A hydraulic linear drive would not typically be recommended for sailboats of this weight. Hydraulic linear drives are typically not recommended for vessels weighing less than 20,000kg. Power consumption is dependent upon multiple variables, included weight, handling characteristics of the vessel, sea state, and configuration setting of the autopilot's response level. Raymarine has not specified power consumption ranges for its hydraulic linear drives or its hydraulic pumps. Mechanical linear drives have proven very reliable for blue water, cruising, and light recreational use where a below decks pilot is desired.
The power consumption for the type 1 mechanical linear drive is stated to be 18 to 36 W. Does that include the power for the clutch? If not, what is it's power consumption?

Q. Does that include the power for the clutch?
A. Yes.
Thanks! That really seals the deal for the Raymarine mechanical linear drive.
You're welcome.
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