Turned on my c80 today to check things out. The c80 started up fine. Turned on the radar, had a no data message. did a radar reset and then it worked. switched the c80 back to chart, all good. Switched back to radar and found a no data message. SCN incompatible message. all connections good. What might have gone wrong. Nothing has been changed since last used.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Jon,
It is recommended that your system's waypoint, route, and track data be backed up to a CF memory card (your chart card may also be used for this purpose) and that a
Factory Reset be commanded as the first action to correct this issue. Should this not address the problem, then please click
here to view a FAQ addressing further actions which may be taken.
Chuck, did a factory reset, no change. opened the scanner to check for voltage and found water inside the scanner and everything pretty wet. bummer for me. Can i use a newer version of the scanner that will work with my c80? like a RD218 or do i have to find the exact model?
Q. Can i use a newer version of the scanner that will work with my c80? like a RD218 or do i have to find the exact model?
A. Please click
here to view a FAQ addressing this subject. As indicated within these radomes are no longer produced and would need to be sought from the second hand market.