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Full Version: [CA11] Upgrading from ES to Axiom pro compatibility
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I just acquired a Axiom pro RVX. I am running a es128 and es98(along with hd color Radar, ev150, flir m132, Sirius weather and rs130) both running new LH 3 (and updated last week March 2020). Will the axiom and es98 be compatible in the same network(axiom pro being master mfd)? Can I temporarily use the cpt100 transducer that is current on the boat until I can get the rv100 installed? The kids are off this week and want to boat and it will take me a few weeks before I can get it installed.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum rltrbill,

Should the currently installed satellite weather receiver be a SR200 or SR150, and should both MFDs be operating with LightHouse 3 v3.11.42, then the Axiom Pro MFD and eS-Series MFD may indeed be interfaced to a common Ethernet network. Within mixed systems such as this, it would be recommended that the Axiom/Axiom Pro/Axiom XL MFD additionally (or in place of the eS/gS MFD) be interfaced as a spur to the backbone and be designated as the system's Data Master MFD. The CPT-100 transducer may remain connected to the eS128 MFD or may be adapted (part #A80490) to be mated to the RealVision Transducer socket of the Axiom Pro RVX MFD.
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