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Full Version: [TG11] E7D MFD - Sonar issue
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Hi folks,
new second hand boat, and cant get a good sonar reading to detect bottom hardness. Somehting is clearly worng, and I have tried multiple settings, software update and factory reset. transducer? Here is a video on the output I get, hoping someone might have some clues??



Tom - Raymarine - Moderator

Hello Robboa,

That's exactly what we'd expect to see if there was no discernible bottom echo at all, for example from an in-hull transducer where the wet-box has leaked, or a transom-mount transducer with the boat on the trailer.

What sort of transducer do you have?
What approximate depth of water were you in at the time of the video?

For background information and diagnosis steps, please read http://forum.raymarine.com/showthread.php?tid=9371

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