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Full Version: [LW11] MFD - Waypoint/Route organiser
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Trying to import 6 in number .gpx Routes to Axiom 7 to add to the existing Routes. Using SD card that has worked successfully previously.
Following sequence : “ My data/Import.Export/Import from card/ external SD card 1/
Select Route name “CUAN LONG”. Axiom responds “ A Route with the name LOCH SPELVE already exists in the list. Select an option: Copy (Keep both items), Copy (replace existing), Cancel import”
I tried this a variety of ways, ejecting the SD card; reducing the number of Routes on the SD card but always getting the same response from Axiom.
In the course of this procedure the number of Waypoints in My Data increased from 2948 to 8432 although I did not apparently import much data.
Despite the messages from Axiom 3 of the Routes have been imported.
I expect I have now hit a maximum limit on Waypoints (what is the limit please ?)
How do I SORT My waypoints so that I can de-dupe them ?
Many thanks
Dear robin,

Please email the files to me at [email protected] and I will take a look for you.

The limit of waypoints for the Axiom is 10,000. The Lighthouse 3 manual will give a guide on organising your waypoints and this is available here.

Many Thanks
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