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Full Version: 48” Open HD Color Array Radar Issues With Lighthouse II software v17.45
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Is there a known problem / patch planned in the near future to address an interface problem between the 48” open HD color array radar and Lighthouse II software v17.45? Although not checked with updates prior to v15.61, it has been discovered that since update to v17.45, my radar is unable to return reliable targets under identical conditions when using v15.61 software. The radar does return targets that are known to be incorrect typically at 12 nm from the vessel. Troubleshooting efforts included checking gain settings and operation modes, altering all settings and operation modes, and then returning setting and operation modes back to their original state. It is suspected this issue is related to support for quantum radar interface introduced in software v16.47.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum chartertom,

Please excuse the delay in this response. Since introduction of support for Quantum radomes two software updates ago, no other reports of problems have been reported with the performance of other compatible radar system. In this case, it is recommended that a screen capture and description accompany a response to this thread in order that we may provide further troubleshooting information concerning the reported issue. Please additionally specify how high the radar is installed above the surface of the water and attach a photo of the radar pedestal's installation showing its proximity to the leading edge of the vessel's hard top and any other structures.
The following is offered in response for supplemental information related to this issue.
Attachment titled “Dump001” is a screenshot of this radar with range set to 1/8 nm showing no returns. Attachment titled “Dump002” is a screenshot of this radar with range set to 12 nm which is the first range at which any return in light blue at approximately 16 nm from vessel. Both screenshots are taken with the vessel in the same location and objects that showed as returns in the past being located 250 yards from this vessel.
Attachment titled “14-Boat03” depicts the radar pedestal's installation. The radar is installed approximately 15 feet above the water line.
Attachment titled “Dump003” is a screenshot showing the current installation did show accurate returns in the past. It should be noted no change beyond software updates have occurred since the original installation of this radar.
Now that confirmation has been received that no others are experiencing issues, would it be a worthwhile troubleshooting effort to re-install a previous version of software such as version v13.37?

The screen snapshots clearly show a failure of the radar hardware. Whereas no other reports similar to yours have been received and our own radar pedestals are functioning properly with the v17.45 software, downgrading the MFDs software would not be advised. It is recommended that the radar pedestal be sent to Raymarine’s Product Repair Center to be bench tested / serviced.
Considering the effort required to remove the heavy pedestal from the T-top, is there a great enough possibility the hardware failure could exist in the 48” open array and not the pedestal? If probable enough, it is preferred to gamble on sending in only the array and wait to see if the pedestal must be repaired.
Based upon the reported symptoms, our repair center's staff has indicated that their is a significantly higher degree of probability that that failure is within the pedestal. Unless the probe passing radar signal between the pedestal and the array has been damaged, it would typically be recommended that radar pedestal be opened, that the core unbolted/disconnected from the pedestal, and that the core be shipped to Raymarine's Product Repair Center.
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