05-19-20, 03:21 PM
I have EV-1 Sensor and ACU-200 and an Axiom Pro MFD on my sailboat. I believe that the EV-1 measures heel angle. Does the autopilot put heel angle data on the SeaTalkNG bus? And if so, how do I display heel angle on the MFD?
If heel angle data is not on the bus, nor displayable, then I request that this feature be added. Knowing heel angle on a sailboat can be useful to optimizing performance, reefing, etc. (Obviously a marine clinometer would give you this information. But that is so 1800's :-)
If heel angle data is not on the bus, nor displayable, then I request that this feature be added. Knowing heel angle on a sailboat can be useful to optimizing performance, reefing, etc. (Obviously a marine clinometer would give you this information. But that is so 1800's :-)