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Full Version: [TG11] Axiom Pro 12S video problem
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Have just my two older MFD’s with Axion Pro 12S. NAV and Axiom Pro 12 RVX. nav. The two previous unit were each connected to video. No I can only get the RVX unit to display video, the 12S can’t find the camera. I switchEd the cables and the other camera works so I know there is no problem there.
Need help

Tom - Raymarine - Moderator

Hello Jgalvin,

What kind of cameras are these? Analogue, IP/digital video? Raymarine or third-party?
When you say you switched cables and the other camera works: do you mean the other camera works on both displays but this camera doesn't work on either display, or that both cameras work on the other display but neither work on this display, or something else?

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