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Full Version: [TG11] Moving Waypoint/route data from E120W to Axiom Pro RVX
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I am trying to move waypoint & route data from a E120W via CF card to an Axiom pro 12 RVX. The process creates an "archive.fsh" file. Because the Axiom uses micro SD I have to move the fsh file to the harddrive and then to a Micro SD card. So far the Axiom does not see any contents in the archive Micro SD. I've done the process a couple of times using different mSD cards. The results are the same. The mSD cards are all new 32GB U3 cards

Does the process used by the E120W to create the archive file also include creating hidden files/directories that are not seen using Finder? Computer I'm using is MacBook Pro with latest OS-X.

What should the correct way to transfer data across different media? I do have access to a Windoze computer, but am very rusty on how anything works on them now.


Tom - Raymarine - Moderator

Hello Hank496,

The E120s used a now-obsolete proprietary Raymarine format (Archive.fsh) to store waypoint data, whereas the new displays use the more recent industry standard GPX format. You can see more detail and download a convertor between the two formats in this FAQ. Unfortunately that convertor is Windows-only (we have Linux and Mac at home so I sympathise with your rustiness.)

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