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Full Version: E120 digital radome addition
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The E120 installed in a 2009 boat never had radar, only DSM300 sonar and GPS (presumably RS125). Am I correct that a RD418D or RD418HD digital radome can be installed with the addition of a Seatalk HS switch which the DSM 300 will also be attached to? If so what is the part number of the Seatalk switch. If not what is the recommendation. Thank you.

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Rich,

As the E-Series Classic MFDs feature only a single Ethernet Network port, a HS5 RayNet Network Switch would need to be installed if it will be interfaced to more than one compatible product featuring an Ethernet communications interface (ex. HD Digital Radome, DSM300, SR6 Sirius Satellite Weather/Radio Receiver, etc.).
Thank you. Have a great day.

You're welcome!
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