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Full Version: Updating Raymarine autpilot and/or instrument software - no Raymarine MFD onboard
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Updating Raymarine autpilot and/or instrument software - no Raymarine MFD onboard

As third party marine electronics products are not designed to receive software updates from MFDs produced by other manufacturers, Raymarine marine instruments, autopilots, GPS Sensors, SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converters, etc. are not designed to receive software updates from third party products. Should the vessel's system not feature a compatible Raymarine MFD, then the software of within the Raymarine products may be updated by any of the following:
- an authorized Raymarine dealer who is equipped to update Raymarine product software ... recommend calling the dealer before bringing equipment to them.
- a Certified Raymarine Installer ... these installers (who may also be authorized Raymarine dealers) may perform such software updates on or off of the boat.
- Raymarine’s Product Repair Center.

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