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Full Version: Searching destination by name on e97?
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My boat came with an E97 MFD, I've got the manuals and didn't see what I was looking for, I have the Navionics+ card in the slot as well.

I'd like to be able to add my destination waypoint but searching for it by name, for example, my boat is in Onset MA, I'd like to put in "Edgartown Harbor" and have it add a destination waypoint, then use the Navionics auto-navigate feature.

I find it difficult to scroll and scroll to find the destination to add it as the destination.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum efontana,

Thanks for the feature suggestion to the autorouting feature of the a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFDs. A feature suggestion will be logged to consider this feature for inclusion within a future a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD software update. Please click here more information concerning product and feature suggestions.

The current implementation of the autorouting feature (MENU->NAVIGATION->BUILD ROUTE->DOCK TO DOCK AUTOROUTING->ON) requires that the user touch the Chart application's screen at the location of the desired route's origin and then touch the chart application's screen at the location of the desired route's destination. Should the operator have previously created waypoints at either of these locations and these waypoints have been configured to be shown on the chart, then it would similarly be possible to identify the origin or destination waypoints to the autorouting feature by touching the corresponding waypoint icons layered on the chart.
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