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Full Version: i40 Depth and Speed - "extension" cable.
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I'd like to add an i40 Speed and Depth display to my little sailboat.

She came with an AirMar B744. I have confirmed that the temperature and speed sender is OK, and I'm hoping the piezo depth transducer is OK as well. If not, I'll just have to buy and install a new transducer, but I'd certainly like to try this one first.

One thing that concerns me is that the cabling from the B744 will not reach the proposed location of the i40.

I can certainly extend it, and do so in a workmanship manner (my background is electronics).

My question is .. does anyone have any advice or comments on this extension, such as

. don't do it, will never work, or

. use shielded twisted pair, or

. do NOT use twisted pair; parallel only, or

. minimum gauge is, or

. maximum length is

or any similar hints. I understand "as short as possible", but any other info would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

We don't usually recommend extending instrument transducer cables, due to the fact it could affect the data produced by the transducer. How far are you looking to extend?
(03-09-16 11:15 AM)Steve - Raymarine - Moderator Wrote: [ -> ]We don't usually recommend extending instrument transducer cables, due to the fact it could affect the data produced by the transducer. How far are you looking to extend?

The total length will be maybe 25 feet.

A previous owner simply cut the cable about the 15 foot mark, for reasons unknown. I would like to cut it back another 5 feet, to put the splice in a suitable location without leaving too much needless cable hanging around.

That would leave about 10 feet of original cable.

I would then add my own cabling to the tune of roughly 15 feet.

BTW, my preference for a "splice" would be AMP CPC "Mil-style" connectors at either end, as they can be had with gold plated contacts and I already own the stunningly expensive crimping tool.

OK, it does sound like you are very knowledgeable in the subject of splicing with your background. And with the lengths you are speaking of, you are still within the original length of cable the transducers usually come with, 30'. I don't think you will have an issue with adding the extension.
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