I have a new e95 chart plotter and had a chance yesterday to play with the Starting line and Start Timer functions for the first time. I entered a course using stored waypoints and then a starting line with one end as a known waypoint (starboard end permanent barge) and the other using the mark position for port end. Then I started the timer. I am guessing that the timer is simply a timer and not integrated with any other functions. I was presuming that the system would then tell me the time to the starting line from my current position. I could not see how to get that information on the display. I had waypoint ETA set in the data bar, but it showed nothing.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum daknecht,
Q. I am guessing that the timer is simply a timer and not integrated with any other functions. I was presuming that the system would then tell me the time to the starting line from my current position. I could not see how to get that information on the display. I had waypoint ETA set in the data bar, but it showed nothing.
A. The Race Timer provided within LightHouse II software is simply a countdown timer. Unlike the more advanced computer based sailing applications (ex. RayTech RNS 6.2, etc.), LightHouse II and LightHouse 3 software are not designed to report time to the race starting line. While is conceivable to place a waypoint on the starting line and command navigation to that waypoint, the arrival circle radius cannot be configured smaller than 60' and would necessitate crossing the starting line at the location of the waypoint rather some other location along the starting line. More advanced sailing applications will typically report time to the starting line based upon SOG, COG, and the distance to the starting line on the present COG.
A feature request will be logged to consider this feature for inclusion within a future a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD software update.
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Hi Chuck- Thanks for logging this as a feature request. I naively assumed that if there was a starting line function, the system would give you distance to it.