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Full Version: RayControl and RayViewer on Xoom
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I loaded the updated RayView and RayControl on my Verizon Xoom with android 4.1.2 and both apps crash immediately (app stopped unexpectedly msg). I was able to connect the Xoom to the Axiom wireless. I went ahead and reset the Xoom back to factory settings and reinstalled but both apps immediately error. This is showing as a supported device (Xoom - Stingray)
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum cbt716,

How old is this tablet design? What are its screen specifications? Have you checked to determine whether a later version of the Android operating system is available for your Verizon Xoom?
Its from 2011 and has a 10.1 inch screen and the last offical android update was 4.1.2 Verizon 4G version (stingray) it is listed as a supported tablet under your RayContol app compatibility list http://www.raymarine.com/view/?id=6843

Should you verify that you have the XOOM Stingray, then I will submit a problem report to consider a software update to the RayView & RayControl to correct the reported issue.
Its the Verizon Motorola Xoom model MZ600 with 3G/4G

This is what I have found on the different versions:

Wingray is wifi only
Stingray is Verizon Lte
Stingray_cdma is Verizon 3g without lte upgrade
Umts_Everest is all the GSM xooms

Unfortunately, the Motorola Xoom MZ600 is not among the list of mobile devices supported for use with the Raymarine Mobile Apps. You may want to try using a more recently manufactured Apple or Android tablet or smartphone.
Ok let me clarify this..The Motorola Xoom MZ600 is the Xoom Stingray.

according to http://www.raymarine.com/view/?id=6843 the Xoom - Stingray is on the compatibility list and it looks like all the different models of Xoom's are also on the compatibility list.

One last set of questions before I submit a problem report:
- from what site did you download the RayControl and RayViewer apps?
- were the Raymarine apps downloaded directly from the corresponding site into the Xoom or were they downloaded to another device and then copied onto the Xoom?
RayControl and RayViewer were downloaded directly to the Xoom from it's Google Play Store app.

I'll log the problem report accordingly.
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