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Full Version: [CA] Time Stamp on Camera Snapshot File
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I have IP cameras connected to an AXIOM 12 PRO RVX.

When I use the "take photo" feature in the camera app, the filename created uses GMT instead of local time. Is there a way to have the AXIOM use local time when naming photo files? The AXIOM does correctly display local time (PST), just not when it comes to naming the photo file.

Using Lighthouse software version: 3.2.101


Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Jon,

As you have suggested, LightHouse 3 software releases through version 3.3.170 utilize UTC time rather than local time within the time stamps applied to files saved by MFDs running LightHouse 3 software. A feature request will be submitted to consider a feature change to utilize local time within the time stamps applied to files saved by MFDs.

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