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I am considering adding an M232 to my system with an AXIOM MFD.

I have a Raymarine Super HD Color 48" Open Array radar mounted at the rear of the fly bridge hardtop. The centerline of the Radar Array is approximately 18 inches above the hardtop "deck" surface.

If I mount the M232 near the forward edge of the hardtop (approximately 7 feet forward of the radar), and on the hardtop deck surface (18" below the Radar Array centerline) will that be a significant obstruction to the radar and create a blind spot?

I noticed in a different post the moderator cautioned against salt spray getting on the M232. Even though the hardtop deck is approximately 12 feet above the sea surface, certain wind and sea conditions do produce spray over the hardtop. Will this damage the M232? Can the M232 be safely rinsed with fresh water to clean off any saltwater?

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Jon,

Q1. If I mount the M232 near the forward edge of the hardtop (approximately 7 feet forward of the radar), and on the hardtop deck surface (18" below the Radar Array centerline) will that be a significant obstruction to the radar and create a blind spot?
A1. General comment. It is typically recommended that radomes and open arrays be installed at the forward end of a hard top and /or mounted on a pedestal/tower of sufficient height such that a blind spot will not be created during periods of operation which produce significant bow rise. Such pedestals/towers would typically position the thermal camera behind and above the radome / open array. When installed in the manner which you have suggested and operating at speeds which do not produce such bow rise, it is unlikely that the thermal camera would produce a blind spot.

Q2. Will salt spray damage the M232?
A2. Negative. As thermal imaging cameras cannot see through water, their performance will be maximized when their lens cover is dry and is not encrusted with salt.

A3. Can the M232 be safely rinsed with fresh water to clean off any saltwater?
A3. Yes
Thanks Chuck.

The radar is currently mounted on a short pedestal (Approximately 12 inches high). I will investigate potential modifications to allow the M232 to be mounted above and behind the radar as you describe. However, mounting the M232 even higher above the CG will increase the pitch and roll motion the of the camera and the M232 image is not gyro stabilized.

At slow speed there is no significant bow rise, however at planning speeds there is a modest bow rise (about 10-15 degrees).

I you have a recommended source for thermal camera pedestals please send a link.


Q. Do you have a recommended source for thermal camera pedestals please send a link?
A. Please click here to view a FAQ addressing this subject. In addition to viewing their websites, I would recommend contacting each should you not find exactly what you need.
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