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Full Version: (DG) ACU-100 connection to backbone question
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Currently planning my installation.

The ACU-100 will essentially be the last device on one end of the backbone.
The ACU-100 connects to Seatalk NG via screw terminals. Can I simply just cut the backbone cable, strip the wires and connect to the ACU-100 - adding a 220 ohm resistor at the terminal strip (across the signal connection - blue & white)?

This is electrically identical to adding a T with termination resistor and a drop cable.

Physically, it removes a ton of surplus cable and reduces the number of physical connections (reliability).

Just wanted to check in case there is something I don't know about.

Thank you,

Hi holdech

Thank you for your enquiry.

We really would not advocate this backbone connection suggestion.

The preferred solution would be to use an in-line terminator A06074 at the end of the backbone cable and then use a bare ended Spur cable from the in-line terminator to the ACU100.

This also reduces the number of connections as well as uses conventional connections avoiding any possible issues with cable end damage and 3rd party resistors.

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