Hi all,
I've been through the thread titled "Interfacing a stereo head unit to a MFD running LightHouse 3 software" lots of great information here.
I have upgraded MFD's to lighthouse 3, the table of compatible Entertainment systems says "CAN connection only, ethernet connection not supported". On Lighthouse 2 I was interfaced using ethernet, everything was great.
So questions;
- CAN connection means what exactly, NMEA cables as described in thread: "Interfacing a stereo head unit to a MFD running LightHouse 3 software"?
- Before I go changing cables, will a future update bring ethernet support back?
Many thanks,
The overwhelming majority of marine entertainment systems supported by Raymarine systems do not offer an Ethernet communications interface. Additionally, among the Fusion marine entertainment systems, only Fusion's 7xx Series marine entertainment systems offered an Ethernet communications interface. Given this fact would be unlikely that Raymarine will introduce support for Ethernet communications with Fusion entertainment systems within LightHouse 3 software within the foreseeable future.
Okay Chuck, I'll look at introducing Fusion to MFD using your other thread, thanks for your quick reply!
Hi again,
Could I run a connection option by you please? My plan A avoids building a new 5 way, by using an existing T connector with a terminated blue that is free. Or must it be a connected by a powered 5 way? I've attached a sketch.
Plan A
Fusion AV750 'Wired Remote NMEA 2000' Male DeviceNet plug >
Adaptor cable A06045 0.4m SeaTalkng cable >
New T connector with one Blue terminated>
10m blue backbone cable >
Existing T connector's spare blue that connects an Axiom 7 to rest of network.
No diagram was attached to your most recent post. That said, I believe that you're suggesting that the current backbone simply be extended and that a T-Piece w/Termination Plug then be installed at the end of the backbone extension. The MS-AV750 may then be interfaced to the newly added spur socket using specified SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (F) Spur Adapter. This is indeed how you would interface the MS-AV750 when the system already features a
powered and properly terminated SeaTalkng / NMEA 2000 backbone.
Thats the plan, sketch should now be below! Brilliant, thanks again.
The diagram is correct! You're welcome.
ahh, the scenario described is similar to mine, however my setup is not working. What I have:
1. A127 multifunction display
2. Ray60 VHF radio
3. Power connection
All of 1. and 2. and 3. above connected on STNG 5-way connector and working OK. The radio shows Lat/Long etc.
I then extended the STNG with a backbone cable, and T-piece connector plus terminator. this was so that I can connect to a Fusion AV755. I used the 'hard-wired remote' connector on the back of the stereo, connected to a Raymarine A06045 DeviceNet Female adapter cable, (with a spur connector on the other end) to connect to the T-piece.
I am not seeing any connectivity between the units. The radio and A127 are still seeing each other, so I believe that the STNG is operating correctly. On the A127, I go to the Audio icon on the home page, and it advises that no device is present.
Not sure what to check/test further. Any assistance would be appreciated.