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Full Version: [CA11] ST60 Wind instrument with E22158 ?
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Hi Forum. Have a NMEA2000 wind instrument. Will the E22158 convert NMEA2000 wind data to appropriate SeaTalk wind sentence to display on ST60 ? I've used ST60 wind instruments as repeaters for other ST60 winds with transducers so I know that SeaTalk will repeat wind sentence and instrument can use, but in this installation I'm not seeing any wind on instrument. I performed a factory reset on ST60.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum nurber,

The SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converter has been designed and tested to support bridging of data between a Raymarine SeaTalk bus and SeaTalkng backbone.
I have further verified bridging wind data a Raymarine SeaTalkng / NMEA 2000 wind data source (iTC-5) to SeaTalk and have verified that the ST60 Wind Instrument repeats the bridged wind data. While the SeaTalk to SeaTalk Converter has often be used in conjunction with third party NMEA 2000 devices, it should be noted that the SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converter is not NMEA 2000 Certified and may accordingly not work with all NMEA 2000 products. In this case, should you have assured yourself that
- the ST60 Wind Instrument's SeaTalk communications circuitry is operational (typically accomplished by interfacing the instrument to another device having SeaTalk communications circuitry and then verifying communications), and
- that the SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converter has been updated with the latest available Raymarine product software update, and
- that the SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converter has been installed as a backbone component within the system's powered and properly terminated SeaTalkng / NMEA 2000 backbone, and
- NMEA 2000 Wind Instrument has been properly interfaced as a spur to the aforementioned backbone,
then it may be assumed that an incompatibility exists between the third party NMEA 2000 wind instrument and the SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converter.
Thanks for the always informative reply Chuck. I failed to connect the high reference wire from E22158 ( red ) thinking it not necessary with already powered SeaTalk bus, but clearly it is. Working now.
You're welcome.
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