I have an A98 MFD that is no longer available. I also have the radar and Flir system. To add another display would the C125 be compatible with the Aseries set up?
Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Mark,
To be more precise you own an a98 MFD (note the letter case) and want to know whether it will be compatible with a c125 MFD (note the letter case). In fact, when operating with the same version of LightHouse II software (v19.03 recommended) then these MFDs would indeed be compatible, as would any other model of a-Series MFD (ax5/ax7/ax8), c-Series MFD (cx5/cx7), e-Series MFD (e7/e7D, ex5/ex7, eS-Series MFD (esX5/eSx7/eSx8), or gS-Series MFD ... where x denotes screen size.