After I upgraded my C127 to Lighthouse 2 I've lost the ability to read my fuel tank level. Prior to upgrading to Lighthouse 2 the unit displayed the fuel tank level so I would assume the ability still should be there. Raymarine through the Yamaha gateway does show rpm, fuel cetera. The Yamaha gauges show the tank level but that info isn't getting to the MFD.
Can you point to a direct to troubleshoot. Reading the FAQ's isn't giving me a clear direction.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Kimbrey ,
Please click
here to view a FAQ addressing this subject. Updating the MFD's software would have had no effect upon displaying fuel levels associated with NMEA 2000 fluid level sensors reporting fuel levels for Instance ID 0 (Fuel Tank 1) and Instance ID 1 (Fuel Tank 2). It is likely that the source for the fuel tank is transmitting an Instance ID for the fluid level sensor which is a value other than 0 for this single tank application. While the referenced FAQ indicates how a NMEA 2000 analyzer may be used to determine which Instance ID is being transmitted for the starboard tank, you may want to try displaying tank levels for Fuel Tank 2, 3, 4, or 5 (Instance IDs 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively), as you may well find that one of these Fuel Tank levels is that for your tank.
Please additionally note that Fuel Tank Levels unlike the Estimated Fuel Remaining data item are dependent upon the system having tank level sensors. The latter is dependent upon having the system interfaced to an engine system or to a NMEA 2000 fuel flow monitor which is reporting fuel usage. The latter is supported by the Fuel Manager feature of LightHouse 2.