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Full Version: [CA11] SPX-10 replacement
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I have a cruiser with the spx-10 autopilot installed. I have a fluxgate fault and the fluxgate ohms checks good. The auto pilot will not turn off and displays a constant fault on the c-series 125 plotter also.

Rather than sending the components in for repair and the cost entailed, I am thinking of upgrading the system instead of attempting to repair the old one.

Would the ev-150 be a good replacement? Can I use the current type-1 hydraulic drive with it? I also have a smartcontroller remote connected, will it work with the ev-150?
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum lkreissl,

Should the vessel feature a Type 1 Hydraulic Pump and a 12VDC power distribution system, then a T70407 EV-150 Corepack (p70Rs autopilot controller, EV1 Sensor Core, ACU150 Actuator Control Unit, and an Evolution autopilot cabling kit) would be recommended.
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