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Full Version: [CA11] St2000+ connected to CSx76 Garmin
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Has anyone had experience connecting the GPS to the TP?
I tried to connect the NMEA output from GPS to the NMEA input of the autopilot but it doesn’t work.
I set the output of the garmin to NMEA and verified that some signal is present (I don’t know if the code is correct but looks like a digital signal)
The autopilot seems not receiving any information.
The TP manual says that the track mode must be activated pressing the +10 and -10 simultaneously while the gps is following a route to a waypoint, but the TP is not reacting at all.
Anyone has suggestions to sort the problem out?
Am I doing something wrong?

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Please be certain the CSx76's Power/Data Cable has been interfaced to the ST2000+ as follows:
- CSx76's Power/Data Cable's DATA OUT (brown) lead has been interfaced to the ST2000+'s NMEA 0183 IN+ (white) terminal; and
- CSx76's Power/Data Cable's GROUND (black) lead has been interfaced to -12VDC and to the ST2000+'s NMEA 0183 IN- (green) terminal; and
- CSx76's Power/Data Cable's Power (red) lead has been interfaced to +12VDC.

After having performed the above connections, the CSx76's Advanced NMEA Setup page (see the CSx76's Owner's Manual) should be accessed via the CSx76 to ensure that the following have been selected:
- GPS Status
- Waypoint/Route
- Autopilot Mode

The Garmin Proprietary option within the Sx76's Advanced NMEA Setup page may remain unchecked.

Command the GSx76 to Go To Waypoint/Cursor Location or to Follow a Route. After doing so, the corresponding NMEA 0183 autopilot sentences, along with GPS data, should be sent to the autopilot, permitting it to be commanded into Track mode.
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