I just installed a new es78 MFD and bidata i40 instrument. The depth sounder is working, but no speed or temp. Before I installed the new equipment, I ensured the old Tridata instrument functions were all working, speed, depth and temp. I tried to go to the set up screen for transducers and search for the transducers and I receive this error message.
Welcome the Raymarine Forum tbeson,
Please note that CHIRP/DownVision transducers do not feature speed through water sensing capability. Please click
here to view a FAQ addressing how to display speed data via your MFD. Temperature data may be displayed in the same manner as has been specified for speed within the referenced FAQ.
The software within your SeaTalk to SeaTalkng Converter and possibly your MFD is not current and should be updated with the latest avaiable software. Please click
here to view a FAQ addressing the message returned when you attempted data source selection.