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Full Version: Raster Charts Priority
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Is there a procedure to prevent certain raster charts from being auto selected, possibly just eliminating a particular chart from the overall set.

I my particular location, on my E7, the particular elevation viewpoint that works best for me causes the edge of a much larger chart to be selected, covering half of my screen with less detailed cartography. If I zoom in, it disappears, but at that point I am zoomed in to much for my every day purpose.

I had a similar problem with a PC based chart viewer and was able to eliminate the problem by reducing the charts that could be possibly selected.

Using NOAA charts is a super feature. I hope I am able to take advantage of it.
Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Dave,

Unfortunately, the requested feature is not presently supported. A feature request will be logged to consider your feature request for inclusion within a future a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD software update as well as within future chartplotting product designs. Should you provide the coordinates of the location within your attached screen snapshot, then a feature request will additionally be placed with the Raymarine Charts Store to have the chart in question not appear as soon as it is presently appearing. In the interim, you may want to consider using LightHouse NOAA vector charts, Navionics, or C-Map charts when operating in the affected area.

Please click here more information concerning product and feature suggestions.
Approx. coordinates of screen shot:
30' 18.06" N
90' 3.44" W

Thanks for the additional supporting data.
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