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Full Version: [CA11] Q24c - need to track a target in order to get the vessel speed and bearings?
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2 questions for Q24c Quantum radar:

(1) do i need to track a target in order to get the vessel speed and bearings? I thought I could just touch the target and it will show the speed and bearings of a target, but my test concluded otherwise.

So, my guess is I need to manually touch the menu in my Axiom MFD, and start tracking the target vessel in order to obtain the vessel's speed and bearings.

(2) Does the target vessel have to have AIS - automatic identification system (AIS) ?
Welcome back to the Raymarine Forum ray18,

Q1. do i need to track a target in order to get the vessel speed and bearings?
A1. Yes.

Q2. (2) Does the target vessel have to have AIS - automatic identification system (AIS) ?
A2. Negative.
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