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Full Version: [TG11] EVO with an S100/SmartController
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In the manual for the Ev-1 it lists the S100 and SmartController as compatible but has the note "repeat controller only" after them. What does repeat controller only mean? What functionality will either controller have on a modern Evo autopilot?


Tom - Raymarine - Moderator

Hello Niiiad,

It means that they can't be the sole pilot controller, there must be an p70/p70R or Axiom-class MFD in the system as well, but that's all.

Would an ES98 MFD work or does it have to be an Axiom?

Tom - Raymarine - Moderator

Sorry, quite right: you can control a recent Raymarine pilot using a display running Lighthouse 2 or Lighthouse 3, including eS MFDs, without a dedicated fixed-mount pilot controller (so just an eS and Smartcontroller will be ok.) I personally always recommend a dedicated pilot display, but it's not required with those MFDs.

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