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Full Version: [TG11] "No Pilot" message on P70
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I had an EV100 Wheelpilot which I installed three years ago. It consisted of the P70, Ev-1, Wheelpilot drive and an ACU 100. I have a Dragonfly chart/fishfinder mounted on the binnacle, this is not/can not be connected to the SeaTalkNG network.

Last week I removed the Wheelpilot and replaced it with a Lewmar drive and replaced the ACU100 with an ACU 200. I have fitted the rudder sensor and connected the new equipment to the SeaTalkNG network.

From the old wheelpilot system the P70 and the EV-1 remain. The three autopilot components are connected via SeaTalkNg connector block with the blue terminators at each end. Power is supplied from the ACU 200 to the connector block.

When everything is switched on the P70 starts but immediately reports a "No Pilot" message and alarm. I can clear this but it repeats a few seconds later. I can get to the System Setup menu but when the alarm "No Pilot" goes off again then I have to start again. So I cant get sufficiently into the menu set to actually do anything.

The S/W version on the P70 is 2.17. I don't know what the EV-1 s/w level is, but it would be at the same level from three years ago. I assume the ACU 200 has the latest s/w version as it was purchased new three weeks ago.

I do not have a suitable MFD capable of doing updates.

I would appreciate advice, how should I proceed?

Kind Regards
Perth, Western Australia

Tom - Raymarine - Moderator

Hi Tony,

Almost certainly the cause of the problem is a mixture of old software in the EV and new software in the ACU, which is known to cause the EV to continually reboot until its own software is upgraded. Since you don't have an MFD aboard, I would ask one of our Service dealers in Perth - Maritime Electronics or Intech - to upgrade the EV's software for you. This will also provide significantly improved pilot performance, but please be aware that the pilot will need recalibration afterwards.

Thanks Tom, I took the EV-1 and the P70 to Maritime Electronic Services and they did they did the update for me. They were very helpful, I certainly recommend them.

Once I put it all back together on the boat it has all behaved correctly and I've been able to complete the dockside wizard.

Thank you for your help and advice.

You are welcome.
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