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[LW] [LW11] NMEA Wind to C120W - Printable Version

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[LW11] NMEA Wind to C120W - Ifraser - 04-20-20 06:27 AM

Hi, I have a boat with a C120W plotter and all raymarine instruments except the wind instrument which is a NASA marine. That instrument outputs NMEA 0183. I believe the C120W has NMEA connections. Is it possible for the C120W to receive that wind data and display it for use displaying the wind vector arrow and readout on the sailing data display screen? Many thanks, Iain.

RE: [LW11] NMEA Wind to C120W - Chris - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-07-20 04:00 PM

Hello Iain,

The C120W does have NMEA0183 inputs. you would be able to connect your wind to the NMEA0183 inputs on the C120W and show your wind information on the sailing data screen,
