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[TG] [TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Printable Version

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[TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Clauden - 05-10-20 09:18 AM

Good morning,
I took took a screen shut of my Axiom MFD V.3.11.42 at 09:57:17. Saved it in SD1 memory card. I opened the file and I get a mistach in the Time frame 13:57:13
Why I get it?

RE: [TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Tom - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-13-20 02:01 AM

Hello Clauden,

Your second photo is too small for me to read, but I would guess that this is to do with the way Local Time Offset has been applied. What part of the world are you in, and what Local Time Offset do you have configured in your display? The file creation time will be set by the low-level operating system of the display, which is probably working on UTC (GPS) time.


RE: [TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Clauden - 05-13-20 10:52 AM

Hello Tom,
I living in Quebec, Canada.
I reattched the file bigger as the first postage.

Thank you

RE: [TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Tom - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-13-20 08:47 PM

Hello Clauden,

Yes, that makes sense, 09:57 EDT (UTC-4) is 13:57 UTC, which is obviously what the operating system is using when setting the timestamps on files.


RE: [TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Clauden - 05-14-20 08:50 AM

Hello Tom,

Why LH3 do not allow local timestamps to save files as other operational system?
Each time I need to retreive a file, I must thing that the timestamps is 4 hours in advance from my local time. Incongruous, weird...

Maybe that something that the software engineers should look at.



RE: [TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Tom - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-14-20 09:22 PM

Hello Clauden,

Lighthouse 3 is built upon Android, which - along with most operating systems, as I understand it - stores file access/creation/modification times in UTC. A local time offset is often applied to this when the values are displayed to the user, and we of course do this for things like waypoint creation times, but it hasn't been seen as important to do this for the file creation attributes. Can I ask what the reason is that you need this to include local time offset, so that I can see whether we should log a feature request? I don't recall anyone asking about this before and so I don't think it's a high-priority feature for most users.


RE: [TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Clauden - 05-15-20 12:51 PM

Hello Tom,
Thank you for your reply. The reason to use the local timestamps, it make easier to retreive files.
Ex: File created on Monday 10:00 pm Local Time, same file will be Tuesday 02:00am UTC.

If I want to retreive the file, I must add 4 hours to be compatible with the UTC Time.



RE: [TG11] Axiom Time frame mismatch - Tom - Raymarine - Moderator - 05-17-20 09:38 PM

Hello Clauden,

Yes, I understand, but are you able to tell me what files you are retrieving, that it sounds like you are doing so frequently and in large numbers so that it is hard to tell them apart? Like I say, I am trying to understand if there's a good use-case where we need spend the engineering resources to see if the behaviour can be changed.
