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[TG] [TG11] CAM220IP compatibility with non-Raymarine MFDs - Printable Version

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[TG11] CAM220IP compatibility with non-Raymarine MFDs - kias - 05-26-20 08:58 AM

Hi, is the CAM220IP uses the same protocal as the FLIR M230? I have Garmin MFD's which are already connected to FLIR M230 and I would like to add a CAM220IP as well. I have contacted Garmin and they have not tested the CAM220IP, so they don't know this.

Also, can I connect the AR200 with just a NEMA2000 connection with power instead of SeaTalk?

Thanks for your help.

RE: [TG11] CAM220IP compatibility with non-Raymarine MFDs - Tom - Raymarine - Moderator - 06-01-20 01:42 AM

Hello kias,

Network video compatibility isn't a simple subject: there are actually several different protocols involved in announcing the device on the network (e.g. ONVIF), setting up the stream (e.g. RTSP), encapsulating video data within network packets (e.g. RTP over UDP) and the video itself (e.g. h264, 720p at 30fps.) FLIR thermal cameras largely adhere to ONVIF Profile S for interoperability with as wide a range of systems as possible, but the CAM210 and CAM220 were only expected to be used with Raymarine displays and quite as standardised.

You can access their video streams on third-party devices, e.g. PC video players or network video recorders, using RTSP/RTP/h264 at the following URLs:
(higher res stream), or:
(lower-res stream), however whether that's accessible by a Garmin MFD is not something I'm able to answer. Perhaps they can, if you were to give them those URLs. I would guess not, unfortunately.

On the AR200: SeatalkNG is NMEA2000. We use our own connectors which we believe are better, but it doesn't matter at all which connector type is used as long as the network is correctly laid out, powered and terminated.
