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Wifi Password Reset on a9 and a12 - Printable Version

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Wifi Password Reset on a9 and a12 - lost - 07-15-16 01:32 PM

My builder installed the a9 and a12 MFDs on our new boat. I asked them for the Wifi passwords but they didn't know it. They asked the installer and the installer didn't remember putting one in. It is definitely passcode protected because I'm asked for it when I try to connect my Ipad to the units. Is there a way for me to reset the password?


RE: Wifi Password Reset on a9 and a12 - Mark - Raymarine - Moderator - 07-15-16 03:49 PM

Hello Lost,
The wifi passphrase (password) is set in the a9 / a12 mfd under the "Wi-Fi Sharing" option with software version V17.45.
If you choose not to have a password, then change the "Wi-Fi Security" option from "WPA2 Only" to "None"
To get to the setting:
From the home screen, choose "Set-up"--->"Wireless Connections"--->"Wi-Fi"---> Turn "ON" Wi-Fi --->"Wi-Fi Sharing"
Here you have the options to view/change/turn off the passphrase.