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Networking another MFD to an a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD - Printable Version

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Networking another MFD to an a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 01-26-16 09:24 AM

Networking another MFD to an a/c/e/eS/gS-Series MFD

Should one own an a-Series MFD, c-Series MFD, e-Series MFD, eS-Series MFD, or gS-Series MFDs, then it would be possible to network (Ethernet) any of the following MFDs to the currently installed MFD to support sharing of all system data except for NTSC/PAL video (ex. CAM50, CAM100, DVD player, satellite TV receiver, etc.):
- a-Series MFD: a65, a67, a68, a75, a77, a78, a95, a97, a98, a125, a127, a128
- c-Series MFD: c95, c97, c125, c127
- e-Series MFD: e7, e7D, e95, e97, e125, e127
- eS-Series MFD: eS75, eS78, eS97, eS98, eS127, eS128
- gS-Series MFD: gS95, gS125, gS165