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E125 V17.45 Routes Reverse - Printable Version

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E125 V17.45 Routes Reverse - [email protected] - 08-09-16 09:41 AM

I have several routes in my E125 which are name appropriately as (From)-(To). for example Brist-Cutty for Bristol to Cuttyhunk. Before upgrading to V17.45 if I went from Cuttyhunk to Bristol, I'd call up that route and run it in reverse. After the upgrade, when I tried to run a route, I'd sometimes get the route correctly but sometimes I'd get the reverse.
This happened several times and I have tried to figure this out. I checked my saved routes and found that if I tried to run the route in reverse, the saved route would reverse. I know that I can call up a route under My Data and reverse it. The behavior occurred when I tried to actually run a route in reverse. As a workaround, I would run a route, check the order of the route. If it was backwards I'd stop the route, run it in reverse and check again. Previous version of the firmware did not exhibit this behavior.
There was another anomaly noticed one time. When in the middle of a route, I shutoff the E125 while starting my engine. I then would call up the route and advance the waypoints until I got back to where I was before shutting off the E125. One one occasion, the waypoints advanced in the direction of the route for several points and then reversed. Unlike the behavior noted in the previous paragraph, I have not been able to duplicate this.
At this time of these incidents, the following equipment was running; E125 V17.45-00403,RS130 V2.20; ITC-5 V 1.12; EV1 V2.17, I70 (x4) V3.05, P70 V3.05, ACU-200 V2.17 & Ray260 VHF V2.03. All were powered up and updated with the V17.45 update except for the VHF which was updated around June 2014 by Raymarine.

RE: E125 V17.45 Routes Reverse - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 08-15-16 02:22 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Ron,

Q1. I have several routes in my E125 which are name appropriately as (From)-(To). for example Brist-Cutty for Bristol to Cuttyhunk. Before upgrading to V17.45 if I went from Cuttyhunk to Bristol, I'd call up that route and run it in reverse. After the upgrade, when I tried to run a route, I'd sometimes get the route correctly but sometimes I'd get the reverse.
This happened several times and I have tried to figure this out. I checked my saved routes and found that if I tried to run the route in reverse, the saved route would reverse. I know that I can call up a route under My Data and reverse it. The behavior occurred when I tried to actually run a route in reverse. As a workaround, I would run a route, check the order of the route. If it was backwards I'd stop the route, run it in reverse and check again. Previous version of the firmware did not exhibit this behavior.
A1. Please click here to view a FAQ addressing this subject.

A feature request has been previously logged to consider leaving routes in there initially created sequence, thereby permitting them to have permanently associated origins and destinations. When navigating, the MFDs would make a working copy of the route which would then be followed within its original sequence or reversed and then followed when commanded to do so.

Q2. When in the middle of a route, I shutoff the E125 while starting my engine. I then would call up the route and advance the waypoints until I got back to where I was before shutting off the E125. One one occasion, the waypoints advanced in the direction of the route for several points and then reversed. Unlike the behavior noted in the previous paragraph, I have not been able to duplicate this.
At this time of these incidents, the following equipment was running; E125 V17.45-00403,RS130 V2.20; ITC-5 V 1.12; EV1 V2.17, I70 (x4) V3.05, P70 V3.05, ACU-200 V2.17 & Ray260 VHF V2.03. All were powered up and updated with the V17.45 update except for the VHF which was updated around June 2014 by Raymarine.
A2. Unfortunately, we have received no similar reports nor have been able to duplicate the problem reported. Unless the waypoint which one is trying to advance the route to is common to more than one route or is very close sequentially to the route's origin, then it is generally recommended that the MFD be commanded to stop following the route, that the cursor that the cursor be positioned over the plotted waypoint, the OK button pressed, and that the Follow From Here command then be executed from the waypoint's context menu ... again, this option will not be displayed for waypoints which are common to more than one route.

RE: E125 V17.45 Routes Reverse - [email protected] - 08-17-16 03:18 PM

Thanks for the workaround to display the waypoint information on the data bar or box . I had been selecting follow route and then going to the chart display to see what route direction the system was going to follow. The feature request you mentioned to leave routes as programmed would be much cleaner.

RE: E125 V17.45 Routes Reverse - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 08-17-16 04:11 PM


RE: E125 V17.45 Routes Reverse - JohnBRI - 08-22-16 07:12 AM

Glad I read this thread. I could not understand why this happened with some routes and not others. I have been resetting my MFD for other issues this summer so the problem did not show up again until I followed the same route two consecutive weekends.

I agree that this needs a permanent fix. Any time you have to take your eyes off of the surroundings to make a change on the MFD creates the opportunity for trouble. My routes start just outside of the Point Judith Harbor of Refuge and is a very congested area. I'm sure others start their routes outside of harbors, etc. Now that I know the problem I can avoid it by doing the check beforehand.

Thank you for the thread.

RE: E125 V17.45 Routes Reverse - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 08-22-16 08:50 AM
