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E125 Anomalies (includes Autopilot) - Printable Version

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E125 Anomalies (includes Autopilot) - [email protected] - 09-19-16 05:36 PM

My Raymarine system consists of:
• E125 MFD - V17.45-00403
• I70 (x4) – V3.05
• RS130 GPS – V2.20
• Ray 260 VHF – V2.030
• P70 – V3.05
• ACU-200 – V2.17 RSCP V1L4
• EV-1 – V2.17 RSCP V1L4
• Color HD Radar – V4.27 (not powered at time)
When engaging the autopilot while following a route. A display window pops up with something like "Heading 217 M, BTW 218, Turn Port 32 degrees". If I engage the autopilot, the boat will circle to the left, past the heading to the way point. The first time this was noticed, I engaged the AP and the boat circled until, for safe navigation, it was necessary to put the AP in Standby. The AP functions properly in Locked Heading mode, Wind Vane mode and when going to a designated waypoint while not following a route. Three photos of the screen showing the anomaly are attached. It can be easily duplicated on my boat. If possible and necessary, I can try to get a video of the boat’s behavior when the AP is engaged.

RE: E125 Anomalies (includes Autopilot) - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 09-21-16 03:09 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Ron,

After the autopilot software was updated, did you command the autopilot to be reset? If so, did you then re-execute the Dockside Wizard and verify that both of the following occur:
- when the rudder is moved to starboard, the autopilot control head reports that the rudder has moved to starboard
- when the rudder is moved to port, the autopilot control head reports that the rudder has moved to port
- when +10 is commanded the rudder is moved to starboard as seen on the autopilot control head.
- when -10 is commanded the rudder is moved to port as seen on the autopilot control head.

When the MFD is commanded to Go To a Cursor Position located ahead of the direction that the vessel and the autopilot is commanded into Track mode, does the system function properly? When Following a Route and should the vessel be positioned along the route's first leg, have you then used the Advance Waypoint command to configure navigation to the route's second waypoint before engaging Track mode?

RE: E125 Anomalies (includes Autopilot) - [email protected] - 09-22-16 07:24 AM

- After the AP software was updated, the P70 gave a message that recalibration was required. The dockside wizard was subsequently run.
- The P70 display (and also the E125) report proper rudder position. The direction (port/stbd) is correct and the rudder angle appears to be correct.
- When +/- 10 is commanded, the AP correctly responds depending on mode (locked heading or wind vane). I don't believe the P70 gives direct control over the rudder.
- If "Go to Waypoint" is selected on the E125 and the AP is engaged, it works fine. I haven't tried "Go to Position".
- The boat was positioned on the first leg of the route, waypoint was advanced so it was the second waypoint. Track mode was then engaged. The waypoint was displayed on the E125 and the BTW was consistent with boat position. The behavior occurs on any leg going to the next waypoint.

Did you get the photos of the E125 screen? One shows making a 32 degree turn to port to go from a heading of 217 M to the BTW of 218 M. I'd expect to make turn 1 degree stbd. The other photos show similar inconsistencies. They all appear to be off by about 33 degrees to port. The E125 manual (page 83) shows turning 166 degree to starboard when the BTW is only 68 degrees to starboard.

RE: E125 Anomalies (includes Autopilot) - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 09-22-16 08:27 AM


Q1. After the AP software was updated, the P70 gave a message that recalibration was required. The dockside wizard was subsequently run.
A1. Specifically, did you command the autopilot to be reset per the command sequence found here before performing these actions?

Q2. The boat was positioned on the first leg of the route, waypoint was advanced so it was the second waypoint. Track mode was then engaged. The waypoint was displayed on the E125 and the BTW was consistent with boat position. The behavior occurs on any leg going to the next waypoint.
A2. Thanks for for confirming that navigation is directing the system to the waypoint forward of the vessel's position along the route's leg.

Q3. Did you get the photos of the E125 screen? One shows making a 32 degree turn to port to go from a heading of 217 M to the BTW of 218 M. I'd expect to make turn 1 degree stbd. The other photos show similar inconsistencies. They all appear to be off by about 33 degrees to port. The E125 manual (page 83) shows turning 166 degree to starboard when the BTW is only 68 degrees to starboard.
A2. Yes. When operating in Track mode when following a route, the autopilot's function is to move the vessel to the leg line of the route leg being navigated and maintain the vessel's position with a user configured corridor either side of the route leg while moving in the direction of the route leg's destination waypoint. The width of the corridor and aggressiveness with which the autopilot will seek to join the leg line are determined by the autopilot's Response Level configuration setting. As such, when track mode is enabled, the vessel immediately seek to join the route leg, not necessarily steer in the direction of the waypoint. Depending upon the Response Level setting and the vessel's position and heading with respect to the leg line, the turn angle will vary. You may want to consider displaying the Cross Track Error and Waypoint Info data items within a Databox or within the Databar of any future screen snapshots included with posts.

RE: E125 Anomalies (includes Autopilot) - [email protected] - 09-22-16 07:29 PM

Response to Q1/A1: I'll try a Factory Reset and then Recalibration.

Response to Q3/A2: Do you want me to recreate the deviation table via a short cruise before trying again with display of cross track error?

I won't be able to get back to the boat for a week.

RE: E125 Anomalies (includes Autopilot) - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 09-23-16 09:45 AM


Thanks for confirming that you will be performing the Factory Reset operation. As the Factory Reset operation will erase all previously configured settings and erase the deviation data stored within that autopilot, it will indeed be necessary to once again perform a short cruise to create a new deviation table for the autopilot. Please click here to view a FAQ addressing how to operate the vessel when undertaking the aforementioned cruise. Should the problem persist, then please configure the MFD to display Cross Track Error and Waypoint Info data items within databoxes and then take screen snapshots.
