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Source Identification with P70 - Printable Version

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Source Identification with P70 - Ben473sailor - 09-26-16 12:38 PM

I have a P70 AP controlhead. SPX 30 Course Computer.

I have a B&G GPS

I connected the GPS via NMEA 0183 to the SPX 30

I connected the P70, i60 Wind and i60 depth as shown in the manual and online using the proper coded cables to make a SeaTalkng backbone.

Nothing is taking to the AP

When I select source nothing. Or I get a message saying the SPX30 doesn't support that.

I tried to start the commissioning process over but the Commissioning menu will not appear on the P70

What am I doing wrong?


RE: Source Identification with P70 - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 09-26-16 03:42 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum Bill,

Data Source Selection is not possible with the equipment listed. Please click here to view a FAQ addressing this subject. When interfacing the p70 to an SPX The p70, i60 instruments, and SPX autopilot course computer, it is recommended that you ensure that each of these products has been updated with the latest software and that these products have been interfaced as spurs (individual spurs preferred) to a powered and properly terminated SeaTalkng backbone in which the total length of any spur is not more than 6m. Should this be the case, then it is recommended that the Pilot Factory Reset (MENU->SET-UP->AUTOPILOT CALIBRATION->COMMISSIONING->PILOT FACTORY RESET) be performed, followed by the Dockside Wizard. The Pilot Factory Reset will cause settings as well as the deviation data stored within the autopilot to be deleted, necessitating that Dockside Wizard be executed again and the autopilot once again be take the vessel out to perform Sea Trial Calibration where the vessel's deviation table will be determined, compass aligned, and handling characteristics determined.