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P70R/Ev2 Doesn't follow a route - Printable Version

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P70R/Ev2 Doesn't follow a route - Jazevedo - 01-02-17 06:44 PM

Dear Guest members,

I'm able to use my autopilot in auto mode in a straight ahead line, but when I'm try to follow a rout, it says to me that, it does't have a valid speed. I'm in doubt because my systems are all linked by setallk, and I'm able to see the speed in my MDF A98a. when I go to calibration, and I put the data from my EcI100, I still have the problem.Any idea how to solve it?

best Regards

João Azevedo

RE: P70R/Ev2 Doesn't follow a route - Chuck - Raymarine - Moderator - 01-03-17 05:20 PM

Welcome to the Raymarine Forum João,

Should the system not be underway and making way, then the vessel will not have speed and should not be configured into Track mode. Also, should the system be underway and making way, and detect a problem with a speed through water sensor (under-reported or 0 speed), then this message may be reported. In the case of the latter, it would be recommended that the autopilot's speed source then be configured to use GPS SOG instead of speed through water.